R U OK?Day 2022 – 8 September 2022

Thursday 8 September is R U OK?Day – and a reminder we need to stay connected and make asking ‘are you OK?’ a part of our everyday. That way if someone we know is struggling with something big or small they’ll know we care.

When we genuinely ask, ‘are you OK?’ and are prepared to talk to them about how they’re feeling and what’s going on in their life we can help someone
who might be struggling feel connected and supported, long before they’re in crisis. You don’t need to be an expert to ask someone, ‘are you OK?’. Try and make time for regular chats about life’s ups and downs so you can build trust. That way when someone is struggling they’ll know you care and will feel comfortable opening up to you.  It also helps to choose the right time and place for a meaningful conversation.

• On breaks from work or study
• When exercising together
• When connecting or doing activities
together online
• When you’re spending time together socially
• When you’re doing an activity side-by-side
• When you’re sharing a meal
• When you’re traveling together, even a short trip
can be a good time to talk.

Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed because a conversation could change a life.

If you need immediate crisis or emotional support you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

R U OK? is a national charity dedicated to inspiring all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone going through a difficult time.

You can learn more at ruok.org.au